FBISE Physics Syllabus

 FBISE Physics Syllabus

This page is specially designed for the Physics Syllabus of Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (FBISE) Islamabad. Get the latest updates on FBISE Physics syllabus. Learn about the topics and changes in the curriculum. Stay informed and ace your exams!

FBISE Physics Syllabus for Class 9

The question paper of Physics for Class IX will be based on the SLOs of the following
  4. Turning Effect of Forces

UNIT # 1 Physical Quantities and Measurement

The following concepts are developed in this unit. Their intended level and scope is defined by the learning outcomes.

Major Concepts (21 periods)

  • Introduction to Physics
  • Physical quantities
  • International system of units
  • Prefixes (multiples and sub multiples)
  • Standard form / scientific notation
  • Measuring instruments
    1. metre rule
    2. vernier callipers
    3. screw gauge
    4. physical balance
    5. stopwatch
    6. measuring cylinder
  • An introduction to significant figure

UNIT # 2 Kinematics

Major Concepts (19 periods)

  • Rest and Motion
  • Type of motion (Translatory, Rotatory, Vibratory)
  • Terms associated with motion;
    • Position
    • Distance and displacement
    • Speed and velocity
    • Acceleration
  • Scalars and Vectors
  • Graphical analysis of Motion;
    • Distance-time graph
    • Speed-time graph
  • Equations of Motion;
    • S = vt
    • vf = vi + at
    • S = vit + ½ at2
    • vf2 – vi2 = 2 a S
  • Motion due to gravity

UNIT # 3 Dynamics

Major Concepts (21 periods)

  • Momentum
  • Newton’s laws of motion
  • Friction
  • Uniform circular motion

UNIT # 4 Turning Effect of Forces

Major Concepts (20 periods)

  • Forces on bodies
  • Addition of forces
  • Resolution of forces
  • Moment of a force
  • Principle of moments
  • Centre of mass
  • Couple
  • Equilibrium
  • Stability

UNIT # 5 Gravitation

Major Concepts (16 periods)

  • Law of gravitation
  • Measurement of mass of earth
  • Variation of ‘g’ with altitude
  • Motion of artificial satellites
    (simple treatment)

UNIT # 6 Work and Energy

Major Concepts (20 periods)

  • Work
  • Energy forms
  • Kinetic energy and Potential energy
  • Major sources of energy
  • Efficiency
  • Power

UNIT # 7 Properties of Matter

Major Concepts (23 periods)

  • Kinetic molecular model of matter
  • Density
  • Pressure,
  • Atmosphere pressure
  • Pressure in liquids
  • Up thrust
  • Principle of floatation
  • Elasticity
  • Stress, strain and Young’s modulus

UNIT # 8 Thermal Properties of Matter

Major Concepts (22 periods)

  • Temperature and Heat
  • Thermometer
  • Specific Heat Capacity
  • Latent Heat of Fusion
  • Latent Heat of Vaporization
  • Evaporation
  • Thermal Expansion

UNIT # 9 Transfer of Heat

Major Concepts (18 periods)

  • The three process of heat transfer
    • Conduction
    • Convection
    • Radiation
  • Consequences and everyday application of heat transfer

FBISE Physics Syllabus for Class 10

The question paper of Physics for Class 10 will be based on the SLOs of the following

UNIT # 10 Simple Harmonic Motion and Waves

Major Concepts (18 periods)

  • Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM)
  • Motion of mass attached to a spring
  • Simple pendulum
  • Waves, their nature and type
  • Properties of waves

UNIT # 11 Sound

Major Concepts (18 periods)

  • Sound waves
  • Speed of sound
  • Characteristics of sound
  • Noise pollution
  • Audible frequency range
  • Ultrasound

UNIT # 12 Geometrical Optics

Major Concepts (23 periods)

  • Reflection of light
  • Image location by spherical mirror equation
  • Refraction of light
  • Total internal reflection
  • Refraction through a prism
  • Image location by lens equation
  • Magnifying power and resolving power
  • Compound microscope
  • Telescope
  • Defects in vision

Unit – 13 Electrostatics

Major Concepts (20 periods)

  • Electric charge
  • Electrostatic induction
  • Electroscope
  • Coulomb’s law
  • Electric field and its intensity
  • Electrostatic potential
  • Applications of electrostatic
  • Capacitors and capacitance
  • Different types of capacitors

UNIT # 14 Current Electricity

Major Concepts (23 periods)

  • Electric current
  • Potential difference and emf
  • Ohm’s law
  • Resistance, Series and Parallel combinations
  • The I-V characteristics for Ohmic and Non Ohmic conductors
  • Electrical power and Joule’s law
  • Use of circuit components
  • Measuring instruments (Voltmeter, Galvanometer, Ammeter)
  • galvanometer, ammeter)
  • Alternating current A.C
  • Safety measures

UNIT # 15 Electromagnetism

Major Concepts (23 Periods)

  • Magnetic effect of a steady current
  • Force on a current carrying conductor in a magnetic field
  • Turning effect on a current carrying coil in a magnetic field
  • D.C motor
  • Electromagnetic induction
  • A.C generator
  • Mutual Induction
  • Transformer

UNIT # 16 Introductory Electronics

Major Concepts (23 periods)

  • Thermionic Emission
  • Electron Gun and Cathode Rays
  • Deflection of Electron by Electric Field
  • Deflection of Electron by Magnetic Field
  • Cathode Rays Oscilloscope (CRO)
  • Introduction to Electronics
  • Analogue and Digital Electronics
  • Logic Gates

UNIT # 17 Information and Communication Technology

Major Concepts (16 periods)

  • Components of ICT
  • Flow of information
  • Communication technology
  • Storing information
  • Handling information

UNIT # 18 Radioactivity

Major Concepts (16 periods)

  • Atom and Atomic Nucleus
  • Natural Radioactivity
  • Natural Transmutations
  • Background Radiation
  • Half life
  • Radio isotopes
  • Fission and fusion
  • Hazards and Safety Measures

FBISE Physics Syllabus for Class 11

The question paper of Physics for Class 11 will be based on the SLOs of the following
  1. Measurement
  2. Vectors and Equilibrium
  3. Forces and Motion
  4. Work and Energy
  5. Rotational and Circular Motion
  6. Fluid Dynamics
  7. Oscillations
  8. Waves
  9. Physical Optics
  10. Thermodynamics

Unit -1 Measurement

Major Concepts (19 periods)

  • The scope of Physics
  • SI base, supplementary and derived units
  • Errors and uncertainties
  • Use of significant figures
  • Precision and accuracy
  • Dimensionality

Unit - 2 Vectors and Equilibrium

Major Concepts (20 periods)

  • Cartesian coordinate system
  • Addition of vectors by head to tail rule
  • Addition of vectors by perpendicular components
  • Scalar product of two vectors
  • Vectors product of two vectors
  • Torque
  • Equilibrium of forces
  • Equilibrium of torques

Unit-3 Forces and Motion

Major Concepts (30 periods)

  • Displacement
  • Average velocity and instantaneous velocity
  • Average acceleration and instantaneous acceleration
  • Review of equations of uniformly accelerated motion
  • Newton’s laws of motion
  • Momentum and Impulse
  • Law of conservation of momentum
  • Elastic collisions in one dimension
  • Momentum and explosive forces
  • Projectile motion
  • Rocket motion

Unit – 4 Work and Energy

Major Concepts (17 periods)

  • Work done by a constant force
  • Work as scalar product of force and displacement
  • Work against gravity
  • Work done by variable force
  • Gravitational Potential at a point
  • Escape velocity
  • Power as scalar product of force and velocity
  • Work energy principle in resistive medium
  • Sources and uses of energy
    • Conventional sources of energy
    • Non conventional sources of energy

Unit - 5 Rotational and Circular Motion

Major Concepts (21 periods)

  • Kinematics of Angular Motion
  • Centripetal Force and Centripetal Acceleration
  • Centripetal Acceleration
  • Orbital Velocity
  • Artificial Satellites
  • Artificial Gravity
  • Moment of Inertia
  • Angular Momentum

Unit # 6 Fluid Dynamics

Major Concepts (18 periods)

  • Streamline and Turbulent flow
  • Equation of continuity
  • Bernoullie’s equation
  • Applications of Bernoulli’s equation
  • Viscous fluids
  • Fluid Friction
  • Terminal velocity

Unit – 7 Oscillations

Major Concepts (23 periods)

  • Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM)
  • Circular motion and SHM
  • Practical SHM system
    (mass spring and simple pendulum)
  • Energy conservation in SHM
  • Free and forced oscillations
  • Resonance
  • Damped oscillations

Unit – 8 Waves

Major Concepts (27 periods)

  • Periodic waves
  • Progressive waves
  • Transverse and longitudinal waves
  • Speed of sound in air
  • Newton’s formula and Laplace correction
  • Superposition of waves
  • Stationary waves
  • Modes of vibration of strings
  • Fundamental mode and harmonics
  • Vibrating air columns and organ pipes
  • Doppler effect and its applications
  • Generation, detection and use of ultrasonic

Unit – 9 Physical Optics

Major Concepts (25 periods)

  • Nature of light
  • Wave front
  • Huygen’s principle
  • Interference
    • Young’s double slit experiment
    • Michleson’s Interferometer
  • Diffraction
  • Polarization

Unit – 10 Thermodynamics

Major Concepts (22 periods)

  • Thermal equilibrium
  • Heat and work
  • Internal energy
  • First law of thermodynamics
  • Molar specific heats of a gas
  • Heat engine
  • Second law of thermodynamics
  • Carnot’s cycle
  • Refrigerator
  • Entropy
FBISE Physics Syllabus for Class 12
The question paper of Physics for Class 12 will be based on the SLOs of the following units:

Unit – 11 Electrostatics

Major Concepts (21 periods)

  • Force between charges in different media
  • Electric field
  • Electric field of various charge configurations
  • Electric field due to a dipole
  • Electric flux
  • Gauss’s law and its applications
  • Electric potential
  • Capacitors
  • Energy stored in a capacitor

Unit 12 Current Electricity

Major Concepts (36 periods)

  • Steady current
  • Electric potential difference
  • Resistivity and its dependence upon temperature
  • Internal resistance
  • Power dissipation in resistance
  • Thermoelectricity
  • Kirchhoff’s Laws
  • The potential divider
  • Balanced potentials (Wheatstone bridge and potentiometer)

Unit – 13 Electromagnetism

Major Concepts (18 periods)

  • Magnetic field of current –carrying conductor
  • Magnetic force on a current-carrying conductor
  • Magnetic flux density
  • Ampere’s law and its application in solenoid
  • Force on a moving charged particle in a magnetic field
  • e/m of an electron
  • Torque on a current carrying coil in a magnetic field
  • Electro-mechanical instruments

Unit – 14 Electromagnetic Induction

Major Concepts (18 periods)

  • Induced Emf
  • Faraday’s law
  • Lenz’s law
  • Eddy currents
  • Mutual inductance
  • Self-inductance
  • Energy stored by an inductor
  • Motional emf,s
  • A.C. Generator
  • A.C. motor and Back emf
  • Transformer

Unit – 15 Alternating Current

Major Concepts (27 periods)

  • Alternating current (AC)
  • Instantaneous, peak and rms values of AC
  • Phase, phase lag and phase lead in AC
  • AC through a resistor
  • AC through a capacitor
  • AC through an inductor
  • Impedance
  • RC series circuit
  • RL series circuit
  • Power in AC circuits
  • Resonant circuits
  • Electrocardiography
  • Principle of metal detectors
  • Maxwell’s equations and electromagnetic waves (descriptive treatment)

Unit - 17 Electronics

Major Concepts (16 periods)

  • Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors
  • P & N type substances
  • Electrical conductivity by electrons and holes
  • PN Junction
  • Forward and reverse biased PN junction characteristics
  • Half and full wave rectification
  • Uses of specially designed PN junctions
  • Transistor and its characteristics
  • Transistor as an amplifier (C-E configuration)

Unit-18 Dawn of the Modern Physics

Major Concepts (24 periods)

  • Special theory of relativity
  • Quantum theory of radiation
  • Photoelectric effect
  • Compton’s effect
  • Pair production and pair annihilation
  • Wave nature of particles
  • Electron microscope
  • Uncertainty Principle

Unit – 19 Atomic Spectra

Major Concepts (16 periods)

  • Atomic spectra
  • Emission of spectral lines
  • Ionization and excitation potentials
  • Inner shell transitions and characteristic X-rays

Unit – 20 Nuclear Physics

Major Concepts (30 periods)

  • Composition of atomic nuclei
  • Isotopes
  • Mass spectrograph
  • Mass defect and binding energy
  • Radioactivity (properties of α, β and γ rays)
  • Energy from nuclear decay
  • Half life and rate of decay
  • Interaction of radiation with matter
  • Radiation detectors (GM counter and solid state detector)
  • Nuclear reactions
  • Nuclear fission (fission chain reaction)
  • Nuclear reactors (types of nuclear reactor)
  • Nuclear fusion (nuclear reaction in the Sun)
  • Radiation exposure
  • Biological and medical uses of radiations (radiation therapy, diagnosis of diseases, tracers techniques)
  • Basic forces of nature
  • Elementary particles and particle classification (hadrons, leptons and quarks)


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