Physics Class 9 Chapter 4 (Exercise Solution)


UNIT No. 4

Turning Effect of Forces


4.1        Encircle the correct answer from the given choices.

i.               Two equals but unlike parallel forces having different line of action produce

(a) a torque                                           (b) a couple

(c) equilibrium                                     (d) neutral equilibrium

ii.             The number of forces that can be added by head to tail rule are:

(a)          2          (b)       3                     (c)        4                      (d)       any number

iii.           The number of perpendicular components of a force are:

(a)          1          (b)       2                     (c)        3                      (d)       4

iv.           A force of 10 N is making an angle of 30° with the horizontal. Its horizontal component will be:

(a)          4 N      (b) 5 N            (c) 7 N                         (d) 8.7 N

v.             A couple is formed by

(a) two forces perpendicular to each other

(b) two like parallel forces

(c) two equal and opposite forces in the same line

(d) two equal and opposite forces not in the same line

vi.           A body is in equilibrium when its:

(a) acceleration is uniform

(b) speed is uniform

(c) speed and acceleration are uniform

(d) acceleration is zero

vii.         A body is in neutral equilibrium when its centre of gravity:

(a) is at its highest position

(b) is at the lowest position

(c) keeps its height if displaced

(d) is situated at its bottom

viii.       Racing cars are made stable by:

(a) increasing their speed

(b) decreasing their mass

(c) lowering their centre of gravity

(d) decreasing their width

Answers to Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)


















4.2         Define the following:

(i) resultant vector

(ii) torque

(iii) centre of mass

(iv) center of gravity

Ans: Resultant Vector

“A resultant vector is a single vector that has the same effect as the combined effect of all the vectors to be added.”


“The turning effect of a force is called torque or moment of the force.”

Torque is denoted by the symbol τ and is given by the relation

τ = F x L

Torque is a vector quantity, and its SI unit is newton-meter (Nm).

Centre of Mass

“Centre of mass of a system is such a point where an applied force causes the system to move without rotation”

Generally, centre of mass of a system is represented by “O”.

Centre of gravity

“A point where the whole weight of the body appears to act vertically downward is called centre of gravity of a body”

Generally, centre of gravity of a body is represented by “G”.

4.3         Differentiate the following:

(i) like and unlike forces

(ii) torque and couple

(iii) stable and neutral equilibrium


(i)            Like and Unlike Forces

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Like Parallel forces

Unlike Parallel Forces


Like parallel forces are the forces that are parallel to each other and have the same direction.

Unlike parallel forces are the forces that are parallel but have directions opposite to each other


(ii)         Torque and Couple

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The turning effect of the force is called torque.

A couple is formed by two unlike parallel forces of same magnitude but not acting along the same line.


Torque is produced by a single force.

Couple is formed by two forces.


Torque is the product of force and moment arm L.

Torque= Force x Moment arm

Torque Produced by the couple is given by the product of one of the two forces and the perpendicular distance between them.



        i.            Unscrewing a nut using a wrench.

      ii.            Open or closing a door by pushing it about its hinges.


        i.            Turning a steering wheel of a car by applying two hands form a couple.

      ii.            Turning of a tap is based upon the principle of couple.


In the case of a FREE body (not fixed to a pivot), a torque produces not only rotational motion but also translational motion of the body.

A couple NEVER produces translational motion in a free body. 


(iii)       Stable and Neutral Equilibrium


Stable Equilibrium

Neutral Equilibrium


A body is said to be in stable equilibrium if after a slight tilt it returns to its previous position

If a body remains in its new position when

disturbed from its previous position, it is said to be in a state of neutral equilibrium.


When a body is in stable equilibrium, its centre of gravity is at the lowest position.

In neutral equilibrium, the centre of gravity of the body remains at the same height, irrespective to its new


A body remains in stable equilibrium as long as the centre of gravity acts through the base of the body

In neutral equilibrium, all the new states in which a body is moved, are the stable states and the body, remains in its new state


Examples of stable equilibrium

·           Chair lying on the floor

·           The heavy base of the vehicle

·           Table lying on the ground

·           Cone lying on its base by lowering its centre of gravity

·           Bottle lying on its base

Examples of neutral equilibrium

·           Ball moving on the ground

·           Motion of sphere

·           A roller

·           A pencil lying horizontally

·           An egg lying horizontally on a flat surface


4.4         How head to tail rule helps to find the resultant of forces?

First select a suitable scale. Then draw the vectors of all the forces according to the scale, such as vectors A and B as shown in the figure blow


Take any one of the vectors as first vector e.g., vector A. Then draw next vector B such that its tail coincides with the head of the first vector A. as shown in the figure below.

Similarly, draw the next vector for the third force (if any) with its tail coinciding with the head of the previous vector and so on.

Now draw a vector R such that its tail is at the tail of vector A, the first vector, while its head is at the head of vector B, the last vector as shown in figure below.

Vector R represents the resultant force completely in magnitude and direction.

4.5         How can a force be resolved into its perpendicular components?

Resolution of Forces


“Splitting up of a force into two mutually perpendicular components is called the resolution of that force”

Method of Resolving a Force into its perpendicular components

Consider a force F represented by line OA making an angle q with x-axis as shown in the figure below

Draw a perpendicular AB on x-axis from A. According to head to tail rule, OA is the resultant of vectors represented by OB and BA. Thus

OA = OB + BA  -------- (1)

The components OB and BA are perpendicular to each other. They are called the perpendicular components of OA representing force F.


OB represents x-component of force F i.e. Fx  

BA represents its y-component of force F i.e., Fy

Therefore, equation (1) can be written as

F= Fx + Fy ----------- (2)

The magnitudes Fx and Fy  of the forces Fx and Fy can be found using the trigonometric ratios for the right angled triangle OBA.

In the right angle triangle OBA

\[cos\Theta = \frac{OB}{OA} \]

\[cos\Theta = \frac{F_{x}}{F} \]

Fx = FcosѲ ---------- (3)

In the right angle triangle OBA

 \[sin\Theta = \frac{AB}{OA} \]

\[sin\Theta = \frac{F_{y}}{F} \]

Fy = FsinѲ--------- (4)

Equations (3) and (4) give the magnitude of perpendicular components Fx and Fy respectively.


4.6         When a body is said to be in equilibrium?

A body is said to be in equilibrium if no net force acts on it.”

For example, a book lying on a table is in equilibrium. The weight of the book acting downward is balanced by the upward reaction of the table. As a result, no net force is acting on the book and it is in equilibrium.

4.7         Explain the first condition for equilibrium.

“A body is said to satisfy first condition for equilibrium if the resultant of all the forces acting on it is zero.”

If n number of forces F1, F2, F3 ……. Fn, then first condition of equilibrium can mathematically express as

F1 + F2 + F3 + ……… + Fn = 0

Σ F = 0

4.8         Why there is a need of second condition for equilibrium if a body satisfies first condition for equilibrium.

If a body satisfies first condition for equilibrium the body is still not in equilibrium. It is because the body has the tendency to rotate. This situation demands another condition for equilibrium in addition to the first condition for equilibrium.

4.9         What is second condition for equilibrium?

“A body satisfies second condition for equilibrium when the resultant torque acting
on it is zero. “


Σ τ = 0

4.10     Give an example of a moving body which is in equilibrium.

A paratrooper coming down with terminal velocity is in equilibrium.

4.11     Think of a body which is at rest but not in equilibrium.

A ball thrown upward becomes at the rest at the top. At this state it is not in equilibrium although it is at rest.

4.12     Why a body cannot be in equilibrium due to single force acting on it?

A body cannot be in the state of equilibrium if only a single force acts on it because we need at least two forces equal in magnitude but opposite in direction to cancel out each other. If there is only one force acting, then we can't cancel it out and the net force won't be zero which means the body won't be in state of equilibrium.

4.13     Why the height of vehicles is kept as low as possible?

The height of the vehicles is kept as low as possible to bring its centre of gravity to the lowest position and improve its stability.

4.14     Explain what is meant by stable, unstable, and neutral equilibrium. Give one example in each case?

Stable Equilibrium


“A body is said to be in stable equilibrium if after a slight tilt it returns to its previous position.”


Consider a book lying on the table. Tilt the book slightly about its one edge by lifting it from the opposite side as shown in the figure below

It returns to its previous position when sets free. Such a state of the body is stable equilibrium.

Position of Centre of Gravity in Stable Equilibrium

When a body is in stable equilibrium, its centre of gravity is at the lowest position. When it is tilted, its centre of gravity rises. It returns to its stable state by lowering its centre of gravity. A body remains in stable equilibrium as long as the centre of gravity acts through the base of the body.

Un-Stable Equilibrium


“If a body does not return to its previous position when sets free after a slightest tilt is said to be in unstable equilibrium”


Take a pencil and try to keep it in the vertical position on its tip as shown in the figure below

Whenever you leave it, the pencil topples over about its tip and falls down. This is called the unstable equilibrium.

Position of Centre of Gravity in Unstable Equilibrium

The centre of gravity of the body is at its highest position in the state of unstable equilibrium. As the body topples over about its base (tip), its centre of gravity moves towards its lower position and does not return to its previous position.

Neutral Equilibrium


If a body remains in its new position when disturbed from its previous position, it is said to be in a state of neutral equilibrium


Take a ball and place it on a horizontal surface as shown in the figure below.

Roll the ball over the surface and leave it after displacing from its previous position. It
remains in its new position and does not return to its previous position. This is called neutral equilibrium.

Position of Centre of Gravity in Neutral Equilibrium

In neutral equilibrium, the centre of gravity of the body remains at the same height, irrespective to its new position.



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